Thursday, December 8, 2011

Laura Biagiotti

Laura Biagiotti was studying literature at the university in Roma, hoping to eventually do work in archeology, when she started helping out her mother in her dressmaking business. The company produced high-fashion clothes for such designers as Barocco, Schuberth, Capucci, Heinz Riva and Litrico. But Laura Biagiotti wanted to create fashions with her own name, so in 1965 she made a deal with an experienced designer, Angelo Tarlazzi, to produce ready-to-wear clothes for women.

The first line, shown in 1972, was successful, and Biagiotti earned the name "Queen of Cashmere" after taking over a cashmere company called MacPherson and devoting a large part of her efforts to creating revolutionary new garments made from the precious yarn. She was generous in her use, and the warm, enveloping dresses, sweaters, and cardigans were welcomed by women, especially those living in the cold climates.

Biagiotti was especially concerned with producing flattering and comfortable clothes for women, who quickly took to her soft tailoring and loose-fitting dresses distinguished by their tiny pleats, top-stitching, and ajouree` work. Every Biagiotti collection includes a series of comfortable "baby doll" dresses, and pants often have elastic waists.

Biagiotti is known for trying on models herself, and insisting that her collaborators also try them on, standing, sitting, and walking, until she is sure that each and every model is practical and comfortable. These principles also apply to the men's fashions she creates. Laura Biagiotti Uomo for men was launched in 1987. Women wearing sizes larger than 14 were recognized with the Laura-Piu` line, and children got Laura Biagiotti Junior.

Among the many licenses are Laura Biagiotti sunglasses, whose distinctive shapes have been seen on the faces of many famous women. Devoted to her family, Biagiotti has managed to combine work and home by basing her headquarters in the 15th century Castle Marco Simone, a former medieval fortress, located 17 kilometers from Rome, which she lovingly restored over more than five years. The four towers of the castle form the famous Biagiotti logo. In order to preserve the rolling landscape around her five acres, Biagiotti, with the permission of the nearby town Guidonia, created a golf club with a a residential area around her property which was inaugurated in December of 1993.

She was the first Italian designer to present a collection in China in April of 1988. In February, 1995, at the invitation of the Russian government, she staged a fashion show, the first ever, in the hallowed halls of the Kremlin, in the very same venue where the communist party held its congress every year, built by Nikita Kruschev. Thirty-eight Russian models paraded down the runway along with some of the west's top models to an enthusiastic audience. A Biagiotti boutique was opened in Moscow in 1994 and is very popular among the new rich of the city.

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