Thursday, December 8, 2011

Clara Centinaro

Clara Centinaro was a pioneer in Italian fashion. She was among the first to take the "Made in Italy" label all over the world. She was twenty years old when she arrived in Rome from her birthplace Bedona, in the province of Parma. Her work and her name grew at the same pace as the name and prestige Italian fashion attained in the world, with constant and decisive contribution. Since the start of the High Fashion shows in Rome, she has always been present with her collections.

Her customers are proof of her success and her international fame. Evita Peron has had Clara dress her more than once in Argentina and three wives of Venezuelan presidents have used her skills. Many wives of ambassadors have been among her customers, including Danielle Gardner, the wife of the former American ambassador to Rome. Other clients have included the wives of prominent Italian government figures such as Signora Gronchi, Mattarella, Pella, Fanfani; the Roman aristocracy including Princess Borghese, Princess Odescalchi, Princess Ruffo, the Princess of Calabria, Countess Donatella Pecci Blunt and Countess Marta Marzotto. Often Clara Centinaro dressed members of the Belgian royalty such as Paola of Lieges and her daughter Astrid.

The great quantity of journalists that write about Clara bear witness to her activity as a creator of fashion. The most famous and prestigious fashion magazines have widely illustrated her activity and importance, covering her collections regularly.

In 1970, as a recognition of her work in this field, so important for our country, she was awarded the title of "Cavaliere della Repubblica" by the then president Giuseppe Saragat. In 1986 for the same reason President Cossiga named her "Ufficiale", and in 1992 "Commendatore".

Clara Centinaro was the first to present her fashion in Poland with the wife of General Jaruleski presiding at her fashion shows. Clara particularly liked and gave careful attention to wedding dresses and those for debutantes, including Princess Windischgraetz and the latest one for Schumalit Orvieto, the wife of conductor Daniel Oren.

With the 1990 spring-summer collection Clara Centinaro launched her perfume; a very refined new fragrance which bears her name. She also prepared the costumes for the ballet "Swan Lake" which was staged during the 1990-91 season at the Rome Opera House. For Clara, the theatrical experience was fantastic, so much so, that the designer wants to draw inspirion from the Russian opera and ballet for her new autumn-winter collection.

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